The wisdom of Ferris Bueller
I know I shouldn't admit this, but a few weeks ago I was caught speeding on the school run. I was doing 36 in a 30 and to be honest I didn't realise how much difference 6mph made in the grand scheme of things, but, as I later discovered, it does.
I had to go on one of those speed awareness courses this week and I was so surprised about what I learnt there, I am now much more mindful of the way I drive.
And it got me thinking - I was speeding because I was late. I was late because I'm so busy. I seem to be rushing here there and everywhere all the time which means I don't get a chance to stop and smell the roses!

As Ferris says, we all seem to be hurrying through life, missing all the great stuff around us.
I feel as though my life is passing me by at a rate of knots, and that I am in a constant state of getting this thing done, so I can get the next thing done. Am I enjoying the moment? The honest answer is no, not as often as I ought to be or would like to.
So next week, guess what? I am taking a day off – yes – a whooole day for little old me to do as I please. I have booked a hot stone massage for the morning and then I am meeting a friend for lunch and have 3 hours to spend with her in the afternoon doing as I please and enjoying my life.
Please, don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying I don’t enjoy my life – but I know for sure that I am not ‘in the moment’ anywhere near as often as I should be. I love what I do, I love my family and friends, I have lots of amazing people and things in my life and it only really just occurred to me that I’m simply not mindful enough when I’m with them.
I wonder if you can relate?
Do you feel as though you're whizzing through life, wishing it away because you feel as though you'll only be properly happy when you meet someone to share it with/get that job/win the lottery/lose the weight? We all have that sort of elusive future self; a self where everything has miraculously fallen into place, where we will be deliriously happy and content – and we spend the life leading up to that in hopeful/frustrated anticipation.
I’m not for one minute suggesting you won’t be deliriously happy in the future when you achieve your goal, but I am suggesting you can be deliriously happy now too, with everything you have already!
Because life is for living now isn't it? And although that sounds obvious, sometimes we need reminding of it. Look around at everything you have to be grateful for now, and the positive vibes you send out into the world with come back to you tenfold. In fact, I reckon you might find yourself living that dream life even sooner if you are grateful for all the amazing things you have in your life now.
Trust me - it works.
So, take it easy, and keep sending out those positive vibes!